Power BI and calculated groups
Why use calculated groups in Power BI ? In Power BI, calculation groups are a new feature that allows you to aggregate many measures into one generic measure. This saves a lot of time because the calculation groups save the Power BI user from writing the same measures for each metric they want to analyze. […]

Export : how to set up a factory in Vietnam ?
Establishing a factory in Vietnam appears to be a relevant choice for companies wishing to relocate their supply chain. Our previous article details the reasons why companies make such a choice.This article will focus more on the points of vigilance to keep in mind when a company wishes to set up a factory in Vietnam. […]

Relocating your supply chain to Vietnam
Relocating your supply chain to Vietnam may be a sound strategic decision. Indeed, the coronavirus crisis has highlighted the heavy dependence on China for supplies. From then on, manufacturers became aware of the need to reduce this dependence. Vietnam then appears as a destination of choice for transferring industrial production there. This article first details […]

The shadow payroll : the key elements to remember
The expression “shadow payroll” is generally used when a company sends employees on an assignment abroad for a significant period of time. For example, the posting of employees to France is a common practice, the formalities of which are summarized in this article, as well as here. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the importance […]

The impact of a restructuring on transfer pricing policies
In a deteriorated economic environment following the Covid-19 crisis, corporate restructurings are likely to soar. A restructuring generally has great impacts on transfer pricing policies. Before specifying how to assess and limit the risks associated with transfer pricing during a restructuring, let’s start by recalling some definitions and issues. The expansion of international trade The […]

Covid-19 crisis : what consequences on transfer pricing ?
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused major changes in the economic activity of companies, and therefore in their transfer pricing policies. To date, questions remain numerous. The issue here is more about allocating losses within multinational corporate entities. The government aid, which has varied in amount between countries, makes this issue more complex. Covid-19 will push […]

Working as a freelance : what about you ?
Freelancing in France Freelancing is becoming more and more common. Nowadays, the number of freelancers in France is estimated at 930,000. This number has been constantly increasing over the past ten years, which shows the growing weight of this form of employment. Today, a quarter of companies use freelancers. These are not only used to […]

Cash management in times of crisis : the best practices
Cash management is a critical issue for companies, especially in times of crisis. As France continues its reopening, the country expects to see an increase in the number of bankruptcies. COVID-19 is therefore likely to have far-reaching economic and financial repercussions. Small businesses are more likely to be affected due to their weaker financial robustness. […]

How to prepare an income statement with Power BI ?
The increasing usage of Power BI to draft an income statement constitutes a major turning point for accounting and finance professionals. The challenge for the latter consists to use the accounting data to draw meaningful insights. In the era of Big Data, processing large volumes of data has become more mainstream. Power BI is helping […]

A new record for 2019 French firm incorporations
Confirming last year’s trend, 2019 French firm incorporations are on the rise. The large crowds at the 2020 Edition of the French Entrepreneurs’ Fair, which took place on February 5 and 6, bear witness to this. According to INSEE, a new record of business creations was set in 2019, with 815,300 incorporations. These have increased […]